
Hi, I am Ive Rubini. I was born in the city of Curitiba, in Brazil, in 1986. I am an artist and researcher interested in technology, science and culture. My artworks usually go deep into social issues, discussing them from standpoints that question their relationship to technology.

I work with code and programming, especially with open source frameworks. Some of the platforms I enjoy the most are PureData, Processing, Arduino and p5.js. Also, I write about art, technology and culture.

I've had the priviledge of being an undergraduate student at Fluminense Federal University, in Rio de Janeiro, where I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Cultural and Media Studies, in 2011. There I learned about media culture and technology, and how deeply digital culture relates to our bodies and subjectivities.

In the meantime between my Bachelor's and Master's, I've participated in art residencies where I got to work with experienced artists and researchers of technology. This made my passion for open sourcce art blossom.

Then I spent two years working on my Master's thesis called Electronic Sonority, Technoscientific Art and Gender: a Theoretical-Practical Approach. This helped me understand better my artistic process in relation to my field, and made way to my working further as a researcher.

I have a PhD obtained at 2018 at São Paulo State University, UNESP, and wrote a disertation about open source frameworks and art. At first, I received funding from CAPES, a Brazillian federal agency, to work on my project. I was also granted a German Academic Exchange Service scholarship to attend the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, KHM, as a guest PhD candidate, in the city of Cologne, DE. Also I worked as a fellow researcher at KHM for a year. I have participated in exhibitions and performance art events in Brazil, Spain, Germany, Luxemburg with sound artworks and code.

2007 – 2011Bachelor’s degree in Media Studies at the Fluminense Federal University, in Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
2008 – 2011Art Education Supervisor and Production Assistant at the International Electronic Language Festival (FILE), in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
2012Art Residency at Nuvem / Silo Rural Hacklab, in Visconde de Mauá, RJ, Brazil.
2013Exhibition Poéticas de Laboratório in the Center for the Arts in Seville, Spain.
2015Art Residency at the Industrial Social Services (SESI) in Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
2015Curitiba Biennial.
2014 – 2016Master’s degree in Visual Arts, Music and Technology at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, in Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.
2016Art residency at rural.scapes, in São José do Barreiro, SP, Brazil.
2017Writer of educational material about Media, Technology and Communication for the UNINTER College in Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
2020 – 2021German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship holder .
2021 - 2022Fellow researcher with Ground Zero at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
2018 – 2023Doctorate student of Art and Technology at UNESP (São Paulo State Univeristy) in São Paulo, SP, Brazil